Monday, January 26, 2009

So I may or may not be really bad at the whole blog thing... But I will try to keep it updated more often.

Since my last post I have completed my first semester of college, made it through another Christmas, started a new year, and started a new semester. 

I wouldn't say my first semester was easy, but it went well.  At times, I didn't think I was going to make it, I literally felt like digging a hole, crawling in it and staying there till the semester was over. It had it's hard times but it had a lot of good times as well. 

Now for my second semester, classes are a lot more challenging. My schedule is amazing, but my classes and workload are especially arduous. I think I called my mom three times in the first week crying because I was so overwhelmed with the workload. It is kind of exciting though. I have never really been very academic, and i think this semester will force me to be. 

One thing I really want this semester is to make time for studying things other than school. I love to read, but last semester I found it a real challenge to read things other than my textbooks. I found it a shame last semester to walk into a library full of books, and never have time to read them. So this semester I am trying to read just a chapter a day.

So that is just a quick update. Hopefully I am better at this than last semester. I am eager to see what this next semester holds. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

What Would Jesus Do?


Recently I have been reading In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. The book is all about the pastor and his church who experienced the first "What Would Jesus Do" movement. Pastor Henry Maxwell and five others from First Church of Raymond, took a yearlong pledge to ask "What Would Jesus Do?" before making any decision or doing anything in life. This movement literally rocked their world. Such a simple Question, but so life changing. Just a little thought to think on. :-) 


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Authentic - Paradigm Retreat

This weekend was such a refreshing weekend. While at college, I have had the chance to help out in a local youth group. The group is awesome! 

The past weekend was their fall retreat. I was debating whether or not to go, and I just felt like if I was ever going to make any progress with the group, I needed to be on the retreat. So I went. 

The theme of the weekend was "Authentic." The whole weekend was centered around the idea of being an "Authentic Christian." Such a simple idea, but so profound. Going into the weekend I really honeslty felt like I was a true authentic Christian. But as the weekend went on God humbled me showed me different areas in my life that were hindering me. 

One of the things that hit home the most was an example that Pastor Lance gave while defining an authentic Christian. He talked about the knockoffs of gucci handbags and rolex watches that you can get in New York City or any other major city, and how you normally cannot tell the difference between a real gucci handbag and a fake. However, inside a real, genuine, gucci handbag, is the designers name, stiched into the fabric. He then defined a real, authentic Christian as being one who has their designer's name written on the inside of them. I just thought that was so good. 

This weekend was full of fun times, like retreats are. I got to spend a lot of time with different girls in the youth group. And I got to go to the beach! It was soo cold, but it was so worth it. 
